Sunday, June 13, 2010

BLOG ENTRY # 5.21- CAS Evaluation

the group that i intended to inspire is our youth , which is around ages 16-21 because thats the age that a lot of people want to be like others and want to be popular and drink.

The Group that would least be inspired by this is the people who are sealing the alcoholic drinks to our youth to get a profit out of it.

Blog Entry# 5.19- Create Evaluation

One problem that i encountered was , the amount of time and how to use it wisely while making the video , though i couldn't resolve my problem . I quickly analyzed everything and came to the conclusion that it was better not to cut anything.

One new technology skill that i learned during this project was how to use Windows Movie Maker , i never used it before and i learned how to edit and add music to the video.

Blog Entry # 18- Design & Plan Evaluation

One thing that has changed in my video storyboard was that i didn't go with the plan to be in the park and that instead of being a female and a male actor ,i used both female actors, and the story began with both actors talking to each other after they haven't seen each other in years.

One thing that has changed was that i wanted to use bubble letters to represent the words, and certain aspects of the poster instead i decided to use Bold Dark letters to represent my message and the type of issue that i wanted to be focused on.

Blog ENTRY # 5.17- Investigation Evaluation

The aspect of my issue that i choose to use is Youth Drunk driving, because a lot of the percentage of car accidents in the united states happen because our youth drink while driving.

Blog ENTRY # 16- Product Evaluation

I could have improved my project by editing my video so that it coldve been about 35-45 secounds long instead of a 1 min , also in my poster i couldve just stuck with one photo and used it as the whole poster.

Blog ENTRY # 5.8- Design Brief

I am going to design and make a poster for a specific PSA ,which in this case is Youth Drinking Prevention, and also i am going to make a video about this PSA. I am going to start of by making my PSA Video which will take me a few days to make , then i am going to edit it with windows movie maker. Then i am going to save it and post it when the day comes that its due. After that i am going to start on My poster and edit it in Adobe illustrator , and edit some photos for my poster in Adobe Photoshop.

Blog ENTRY # 5.7- Design Task

The design task that i have been asked to solve is to create PSA Poster and video, about the topic that i choose to do, in my case its Youth Drinking Prevention and i choose to use Drink Driving as PSA , if we look at the statistics , a lot of our Car accidents happen because our Youth is drinking while Driving.

Blog Entry #5.4 Print PSA 3

  1. Campaign Title: Alone

  2. Advertisement Title:

  3. Web Address:

  4. What was the target audience of the PSA?
  5. The targeted audience is the solders coming back from Iraq.

  6. What social benefit was promoted by the PSA?
  7. This social benefit that was promoted was to inform solders that there not alone, and that we know what there going through and they shouldn't feel that way.

  8. What was the “tag line” of the PSA?
  9. The tag line of this PSA is " If your a veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan, your not alone"

  10. What organization sponsors this PSA?
  11. The organization that sponsors this PSA is "ad council"

  12. Describe what is shown/happens in the PSA.
  13. in the psa , a man who just came back from iraq , was alone with no one in the world and then a man shook his hand and said" its going to be okay" and a lot of people appeared around him.

  14. Describe what makes this PSA memorable.
  15. What makes this memorable is that millions of solders are going through this right now.


  • Campaign Title:Youth Reckless Driving Prevention

  • Advertisement Title:

  • Web Address:

  • What was the target audience of the PSA?
  • The targeted audience is "youth" which is anyone below 21 years of age.

  • What social benefit was promoted by the PSA?
  • The social benefit that was promoted by this PSA is to encourage , our youth to do the right thing, and drive safely .

  • What was the “tag line” of the PSA?
  • The tag line of this PSA IS "if your friend is driving recklessly say something"

  • What organization sponsors this PSA?
  • The organization that sponsors this PSA is "ad council"

  • Describe what is shown/happens in the PSA.
  • What is being shown is about 4 people in a car, and 3 of them are young and there is one old man and he is telling the driver, that he wont risk his life for foolishness, and that he would be so annoying that he wouldn't let him think right , if he doesn't drive safely.

  • Describe what makes this PSA memorable.
  • what makes this PSA memorable is the fact that , when our youth is driving , we would wish that there was an adult telling them right from wrong when there driving.
  • Thursday, April 22, 2010

    Blog Entry # 5.9C- PSA concept

    Title of your PSA:Underage Drinking

    What is the main topic of your PSA?
    underage drinking and how it affects you and everyone else around you

    Target audience:Young Adults (13-21)

    What solution will your PSA promote?
    The solution that the PSA will promote is to reduce underage drinking

    What is your tag line?
    Did u know drinking can kill someone??..... Do you wanna be next??

    What will we see happening in your PSA? What is the story? (At least one paragraph, if not more! Be extremely detailed!
    what is occuring in my story is that there 2 people outside , one person talks to the other and asks " Do you Drink", and the other person says " nah i don't drink" , and the other person says " why not?? you should try it.." and that's where another person comes in and says " Are u serious??,,, do u knoe how much that affects someone??,, I've seen people in my high school die cause they were drunk while driving .. DO u want to be next??... and then that person walks away and then they both look at each other.

    Blog entry # 5.9A - evaluation

    Name of PSA: Brain on heroine

    Target audience:Adolescence/young adults (14-25)

    Tagline:This is your brain of drugs... Any questions?

    Message: when you use drugs everything and everyone suffers

    Sound used:plates and clock smashing egg cracking, loud voice ( yelling), aggressive

    Visual imagery used: setting gloomy ( dark), one colored object ( egg-yellow)

    Text used: Partnership for a drug free America- sponsoring organization

    How did you feel when viewing this PSA? What were your emotions?

    My emotions towards this PSA is that it is a big factor and its very important especially in our age group and it ruins everything , and it also ruins your futer and everything else around it.

    What action do you feel you need to take after viewing this PSA?

    I felt like i should take in more consideration the fact that a lot of people are doing this and not very many people talk about it so i should talk to people and tell them the importance of how doing drugs ruins your life and it makes you depressed.
    What is one specific change that would make this PSA more effective?
    It will make potential users not want to use it

    Thursday, April 15, 2010

    Blog Entry # 5.5- Issue Reaserch

    1. Are you working alone or in a group? If you are working in a group, who are your group member(s)?

    I am working alone in this project.

    2. What social issue have you been assigned?

    The social issue that I have been assigned is underage Drinking Prevention.

    3. In order to develop an effective PSA you must feel a personal connection to the social issue that you are addressing. What does this social issue mean to you?

    This social issue to me means that this is trying to prevent people who are underage from drinking. To me this is important because a lot of the majority of kids in the united states drink underage and a lot of people do not pay mind to this huge issue , but this problem in not only occurring in the united states but it is occurring internationally.

    4. What group(s) is/are affected by your assigned social issue?

    The groups that are affected by my assigned social issue is teenagers and kids that are younger than 21 years of age.

    5. What potential negative impact can this issue have?

    The potential negative impact that this issue can lead is to a lot of young kids committing crimes because they are under the influence of alcohol. Also drunk driving is another issue , this causes more deaths in our youth in the united states, alot of drink drving is occuring by teenagers under the age of 21.

    6. What research (statistics) can you use to support your argument that this is a social issue that needs to be addressed?

    The statistics that show that this social issue need to be addressed because
    - Twenty-eight percent (28%) of 15- to 20-year-old drivers who were killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2005 had been drinking. Young adult’s ages 18-22 enrolled full-time in college were more likely than their peers not enrolled full time to use alcohol in the past month, to binge drink, and to drink heavily.

    7. Agency/Organization
    a. List the name of an agency/organization that has been established to address your assigned social issue.

    The name of this agency is called “the century council”.

    b. What is their complete contact information? (Include web address, phone number and street and/or email address.)

    The complete contact information is
    Web address:
    Phone Number: 202- 637- 0077
    Street: 2345 crystal drive suite 910, Arlington, VA 22202

    c. Describe how this organization is connected to your social issue.
    This organization deals with underage Drinking Prevention, which deals with social issues.

    8. What steps can be taken to address this issue? (List at least three steps that can be taken.)

    A. The first step to address this issue is to make public announcement
    B. Post Posters every where, Start locally and expand to different places all over the United States.
    C. Start making speeches in different schools.

    Thursday, March 18, 2010

    Blog Entry 5.2- TV PSA 1

    Blog Entry #5.2 - TV PSA 1

    Visit the Ad Council Campaign webpage. Pick a campaign that includes a television advertisement.
    1. Campaign Title: College access
    2. Advertisement Title: Tough
    3. Web Address:
    4. What was the target audience of the PSA?
    The target audience of PSA are students.
    What social benefit was promoted by the PSA?
    The social benefit was to promote students to work hard in school, so that they can go to college.
    5. What was the “tag line” of the PSA?
    The Tag line for the PSA is “LOST.”
    6. What organization sponsors this PSA?
    The organization that sponsors this PSA is “AD Council”.
    7. Describe what is shown/happens in the PSA.
    In this public announcement, there are like warriors in cage, each of these warriors represents a subject and there are students around the cage, and they are saying “are you ready for the challenge of taking on each of these subjects, and certain students step up to the challenge.
    8. Describe what makes this PSA memorable.
    This PSA is memorable because a lot of students don’t take going to college and fulfilling there dreams seriously and there lost.

    Blog Entry # 5.1- Definitions

    1. What is a public service announcement (PSA)?
    A public service announcement is a social benefit announcement that is used to trigger the public, no matter what age to see and inform them of the advantages or disadvantages of a certain topic.
    2. Describe an example of a PSA you have seen before.
    An example of a PSA that ive seen before, is a public service announcement that triggers people to stop smoking, because it affects them and the people around them.
    3. What social benefit is promoted by the PSA you selected in question 2?
    The social benefit that is promoted by PSA, is that it convinces people to quit smoking, because it affects the lungs and can give people lung cancer.
    4. Nike's tagline is "Just Do It." In your own words, what is a tagline?
    This tagline promotes old and young people to do activities and not sit around playing games or watching TV, and get active.
    5. Name another famous product or company and its tagline.
    Another famous tagline is “think different” by the company Apple.
    6. What social issues do you feel strongly about?
    The issue that I feel strongly about is, global warming, I feel strongly about this issue because a lot of people are littering, and are not caring for our planet, and that affects us all little by little as time goes by.

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    Blog Entry # 4.4- Design Brief

    Im am going to design and make a poster , about the philippines, this poster will include the diffrent sites of tourism and diffrent monuments that the country has to offer. Its also going to include the currentcy, and diffrent areas of interation within this country. The size of this poster is going to be a width of 17.5 inches, and a height of 11.5 inches.

    To design this project i am going to use Adobe Photoshop and illustrator. This poster will be distrubuted, or posted up , so that everyone can see and be interested in comming to this country. Also this will help the country get promoted and gain more money to help the people from this country, so its for a great cause. Tourism plays a big part in a countrys economy, but it also lets people see the variety of diffrent cultures and customes a country has to offer.

    Blog Entry # 4.3- Design Task

    The design task that i have been asked to solve is to work individually and to design a poster, so that people can see the diffrent sites and tourism that the country has to offer, so that the people in diffrent countries, want to travel that certain country, and for me thats the "philippines".

    Thursday, February 4, 2010

    Blog Entry # 4.2 - Image reserch Research

    2. Maps
    3. Current Leader

    4. Monuments
    5. Currency

    Blog Entry # 4.1- Country Research

    1. Name of Country: Philippines

    2. Web Addresses of all Sources (copy and paste)


    3. Basic Facts
    a. Capital City:Manila
    b. Population:1,654,761
    c. Monetary Unit/Currency: Peso (p)= 100
    d. Official Language(s): Tagalog

    4. Current Leader
    Name: President Gloria MACAPAGAL-ARROYO

    5. Photo of Flag:

    6. Map of Country:

    Thursday, January 14, 2010

    Thursday, January 7, 2010