Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blog Entry # 5.9C- PSA concept

Title of your PSA:Underage Drinking

What is the main topic of your PSA?
underage drinking and how it affects you and everyone else around you

Target audience:Young Adults (13-21)

What solution will your PSA promote?
The solution that the PSA will promote is to reduce underage drinking

What is your tag line?
Did u know drinking can kill someone??..... Do you wanna be next??

What will we see happening in your PSA? What is the story? (At least one paragraph, if not more! Be extremely detailed!
what is occuring in my story is that there 2 people outside , one person talks to the other and asks " Do you Drink", and the other person says " nah i don't drink" , and the other person says " why not?? you should try it.." and that's where another person comes in and says " Are u serious??,,, do u knoe how much that affects someone??,, I've seen people in my high school die cause they were drunk while driving .. DO u want to be next??... and then that person walks away and then they both look at each other.

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