Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blog Entry #5.4 Print PSA 3

  1. Campaign Title: Alone

  2. Advertisement Title:

  3. Web Address:

  4. What was the target audience of the PSA?
  5. The targeted audience is the solders coming back from Iraq.

  6. What social benefit was promoted by the PSA?
  7. This social benefit that was promoted was to inform solders that there not alone, and that we know what there going through and they shouldn't feel that way.

  8. What was the “tag line” of the PSA?
  9. The tag line of this PSA is " If your a veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan, your not alone"

  10. What organization sponsors this PSA?
  11. The organization that sponsors this PSA is "ad council"

  12. Describe what is shown/happens in the PSA.
  13. in the psa , a man who just came back from iraq , was alone with no one in the world and then a man shook his hand and said" its going to be okay" and a lot of people appeared around him.

  14. Describe what makes this PSA memorable.
  15. What makes this memorable is that millions of solders are going through this right now.

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