Sunday, June 13, 2010

BLOG ENTRY # 5.21- CAS Evaluation

the group that i intended to inspire is our youth , which is around ages 16-21 because thats the age that a lot of people want to be like others and want to be popular and drink.

The Group that would least be inspired by this is the people who are sealing the alcoholic drinks to our youth to get a profit out of it.

Blog Entry# 5.19- Create Evaluation

One problem that i encountered was , the amount of time and how to use it wisely while making the video , though i couldn't resolve my problem . I quickly analyzed everything and came to the conclusion that it was better not to cut anything.

One new technology skill that i learned during this project was how to use Windows Movie Maker , i never used it before and i learned how to edit and add music to the video.

Blog Entry # 18- Design & Plan Evaluation

One thing that has changed in my video storyboard was that i didn't go with the plan to be in the park and that instead of being a female and a male actor ,i used both female actors, and the story began with both actors talking to each other after they haven't seen each other in years.

One thing that has changed was that i wanted to use bubble letters to represent the words, and certain aspects of the poster instead i decided to use Bold Dark letters to represent my message and the type of issue that i wanted to be focused on.

Blog ENTRY # 5.17- Investigation Evaluation

The aspect of my issue that i choose to use is Youth Drunk driving, because a lot of the percentage of car accidents in the united states happen because our youth drink while driving.

Blog ENTRY # 16- Product Evaluation

I could have improved my project by editing my video so that it coldve been about 35-45 secounds long instead of a 1 min , also in my poster i couldve just stuck with one photo and used it as the whole poster.

Blog ENTRY # 5.8- Design Brief

I am going to design and make a poster for a specific PSA ,which in this case is Youth Drinking Prevention, and also i am going to make a video about this PSA. I am going to start of by making my PSA Video which will take me a few days to make , then i am going to edit it with windows movie maker. Then i am going to save it and post it when the day comes that its due. After that i am going to start on My poster and edit it in Adobe illustrator , and edit some photos for my poster in Adobe Photoshop.

Blog ENTRY # 5.7- Design Task

The design task that i have been asked to solve is to create PSA Poster and video, about the topic that i choose to do, in my case its Youth Drinking Prevention and i choose to use Drink Driving as PSA , if we look at the statistics , a lot of our Car accidents happen because our Youth is drinking while Driving.

Blog Entry #5.4 Print PSA 3

  1. Campaign Title: Alone

  2. Advertisement Title:

  3. Web Address:

  4. What was the target audience of the PSA?
  5. The targeted audience is the solders coming back from Iraq.

  6. What social benefit was promoted by the PSA?
  7. This social benefit that was promoted was to inform solders that there not alone, and that we know what there going through and they shouldn't feel that way.

  8. What was the “tag line” of the PSA?
  9. The tag line of this PSA is " If your a veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan, your not alone"

  10. What organization sponsors this PSA?
  11. The organization that sponsors this PSA is "ad council"

  12. Describe what is shown/happens in the PSA.
  13. in the psa , a man who just came back from iraq , was alone with no one in the world and then a man shook his hand and said" its going to be okay" and a lot of people appeared around him.

  14. Describe what makes this PSA memorable.
  15. What makes this memorable is that millions of solders are going through this right now.


  • Campaign Title:Youth Reckless Driving Prevention

  • Advertisement Title:

  • Web Address:

  • What was the target audience of the PSA?
  • The targeted audience is "youth" which is anyone below 21 years of age.

  • What social benefit was promoted by the PSA?
  • The social benefit that was promoted by this PSA is to encourage , our youth to do the right thing, and drive safely .

  • What was the “tag line” of the PSA?
  • The tag line of this PSA IS "if your friend is driving recklessly say something"

  • What organization sponsors this PSA?
  • The organization that sponsors this PSA is "ad council"

  • Describe what is shown/happens in the PSA.
  • What is being shown is about 4 people in a car, and 3 of them are young and there is one old man and he is telling the driver, that he wont risk his life for foolishness, and that he would be so annoying that he wouldn't let him think right , if he doesn't drive safely.

  • Describe what makes this PSA memorable.
  • what makes this PSA memorable is the fact that , when our youth is driving , we would wish that there was an adult telling them right from wrong when there driving.