Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blog Entry # 5.9C- PSA concept

Title of your PSA:Underage Drinking

What is the main topic of your PSA?
underage drinking and how it affects you and everyone else around you

Target audience:Young Adults (13-21)

What solution will your PSA promote?
The solution that the PSA will promote is to reduce underage drinking

What is your tag line?
Did u know drinking can kill someone??..... Do you wanna be next??

What will we see happening in your PSA? What is the story? (At least one paragraph, if not more! Be extremely detailed!
what is occuring in my story is that there 2 people outside , one person talks to the other and asks " Do you Drink", and the other person says " nah i don't drink" , and the other person says " why not?? you should try it.." and that's where another person comes in and says " Are u serious??,,, do u knoe how much that affects someone??,, I've seen people in my high school die cause they were drunk while driving .. DO u want to be next??... and then that person walks away and then they both look at each other.

Blog entry # 5.9A - evaluation

Name of PSA: Brain on heroine

Target audience:Adolescence/young adults (14-25)

Tagline:This is your brain of drugs... Any questions?

Message: when you use drugs everything and everyone suffers

Sound used:plates and clock smashing egg cracking, loud voice ( yelling), aggressive

Visual imagery used: setting gloomy ( dark), one colored object ( egg-yellow)

Text used: Partnership for a drug free America- sponsoring organization

How did you feel when viewing this PSA? What were your emotions?

My emotions towards this PSA is that it is a big factor and its very important especially in our age group and it ruins everything , and it also ruins your futer and everything else around it.

What action do you feel you need to take after viewing this PSA?

I felt like i should take in more consideration the fact that a lot of people are doing this and not very many people talk about it so i should talk to people and tell them the importance of how doing drugs ruins your life and it makes you depressed.
What is one specific change that would make this PSA more effective?
It will make potential users not want to use it

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blog Entry # 5.5- Issue Reaserch

1. Are you working alone or in a group? If you are working in a group, who are your group member(s)?

I am working alone in this project.

2. What social issue have you been assigned?

The social issue that I have been assigned is underage Drinking Prevention.

3. In order to develop an effective PSA you must feel a personal connection to the social issue that you are addressing. What does this social issue mean to you?

This social issue to me means that this is trying to prevent people who are underage from drinking. To me this is important because a lot of the majority of kids in the united states drink underage and a lot of people do not pay mind to this huge issue , but this problem in not only occurring in the united states but it is occurring internationally.

4. What group(s) is/are affected by your assigned social issue?

The groups that are affected by my assigned social issue is teenagers and kids that are younger than 21 years of age.

5. What potential negative impact can this issue have?

The potential negative impact that this issue can lead is to a lot of young kids committing crimes because they are under the influence of alcohol. Also drunk driving is another issue , this causes more deaths in our youth in the united states, alot of drink drving is occuring by teenagers under the age of 21.

6. What research (statistics) can you use to support your argument that this is a social issue that needs to be addressed?

The statistics that show that this social issue need to be addressed because
- Twenty-eight percent (28%) of 15- to 20-year-old drivers who were killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2005 had been drinking. Young adult’s ages 18-22 enrolled full-time in college were more likely than their peers not enrolled full time to use alcohol in the past month, to binge drink, and to drink heavily.

7. Agency/Organization
a. List the name of an agency/organization that has been established to address your assigned social issue.

The name of this agency is called “the century council”.

b. What is their complete contact information? (Include web address, phone number and street and/or email address.)

The complete contact information is
Web address:
Phone Number: 202- 637- 0077
Street: 2345 crystal drive suite 910, Arlington, VA 22202

c. Describe how this organization is connected to your social issue.
This organization deals with underage Drinking Prevention, which deals with social issues.

8. What steps can be taken to address this issue? (List at least three steps that can be taken.)

A. The first step to address this issue is to make public announcement
B. Post Posters every where, Start locally and expand to different places all over the United States.
C. Start making speeches in different schools.