Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blog Entry 5.2- TV PSA 1

Blog Entry #5.2 - TV PSA 1

Visit the Ad Council Campaign webpage. Pick a campaign that includes a television advertisement.
1. Campaign Title: College access
2. Advertisement Title: Tough
3. Web Address:
4. What was the target audience of the PSA?
The target audience of PSA are students.
What social benefit was promoted by the PSA?
The social benefit was to promote students to work hard in school, so that they can go to college.
5. What was the “tag line” of the PSA?
The Tag line for the PSA is “LOST.”
6. What organization sponsors this PSA?
The organization that sponsors this PSA is “AD Council”.
7. Describe what is shown/happens in the PSA.
In this public announcement, there are like warriors in cage, each of these warriors represents a subject and there are students around the cage, and they are saying “are you ready for the challenge of taking on each of these subjects, and certain students step up to the challenge.
8. Describe what makes this PSA memorable.
This PSA is memorable because a lot of students don’t take going to college and fulfilling there dreams seriously and there lost.

Blog Entry # 5.1- Definitions

1. What is a public service announcement (PSA)?
A public service announcement is a social benefit announcement that is used to trigger the public, no matter what age to see and inform them of the advantages or disadvantages of a certain topic.
2. Describe an example of a PSA you have seen before.
An example of a PSA that ive seen before, is a public service announcement that triggers people to stop smoking, because it affects them and the people around them.
3. What social benefit is promoted by the PSA you selected in question 2?
The social benefit that is promoted by PSA, is that it convinces people to quit smoking, because it affects the lungs and can give people lung cancer.
4. Nike's tagline is "Just Do It." In your own words, what is a tagline?
This tagline promotes old and young people to do activities and not sit around playing games or watching TV, and get active.
5. Name another famous product or company and its tagline.
Another famous tagline is “think different” by the company Apple.
6. What social issues do you feel strongly about?
The issue that I feel strongly about is, global warming, I feel strongly about this issue because a lot of people are littering, and are not caring for our planet, and that affects us all little by little as time goes by.