Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blog Entry # 3.1- Peason Research

1. Name of Notable Person
- Adolf Hitler

2. Web Addresses of all sources

3. Biographical Information

a. Date of Birth- April 20, 1889
b. Place of Birth and dealth- April 30, 1945
c. Family ( e.g parent, siblings, spouse, children) - Aloise Hilter,Sr. (Father), Klara Polzl Hitler (Mother), Gustav Hitler ( Brother), Ida Hitler (sister), Edmund Hitler ( Brother), Puala Hitler (Sister)
d. Education- Had a Good Education in Grade school, but he later than droped out of High School
e. Occupation- Dictator

4. Two-Three Quotes (either about the person of from the person)
1. Any Alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless
2.Anyone who sees and paints the sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized
3. Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all

5. Significant contributions to World History
significant contributions to world history was the killing of Millions of Jewish people. which was called the Halocast. Also the beating and the consintration camps that kids used and adults used to be put in.

6. Two- Three Pictures of the person

7. Ten Terms Related to the Person

1. Horrible

2. Evil

3. Cruel

4. Heartless







8. Timeline

1. 1914- Adolf serves in the World War 1


3.1929- Meets his Mistress Eva Braun

4.1932-Granted German Citizenship

5.1933- Becomes German Chancellor of the Nazi Party

9.A symbol that represents the person
This Is a picture that discribes Hitler becuase he was part of a party called the Nazi

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