Sunday, December 13, 2009

Blog Entry # 3.3- Design Brief

Write a Design Brief for your project:

I am going to design a ceral box, to captivate someones attention, and by doing this the cereal box should give a destinctive short explanation using also illustration, on who was Adolf Hitler and what did he do to play a major part in world History. The Materials in this project is a scisor, Paper and a ceral box. The Size should be size 24 For the front cover, and size 18 for the back. This Cereal is for everyone, and anyone who like cereal.

Blog Entry # 3.2- Design Task

Explain in your own words the design task you have been asked to solve.

The design Task that i have been asked to solve is to design a ceral box to captivate a person who is from World history, and the person needed to have made a contribution to world history, it couldve been a postive or a negative. The person who i need to solve this task is called Adolf Hitler.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blog Entry # 3.1- Peason Research

1. Name of Notable Person
- Adolf Hitler

2. Web Addresses of all sources

3. Biographical Information

a. Date of Birth- April 20, 1889
b. Place of Birth and dealth- April 30, 1945
c. Family ( e.g parent, siblings, spouse, children) - Aloise Hilter,Sr. (Father), Klara Polzl Hitler (Mother), Gustav Hitler ( Brother), Ida Hitler (sister), Edmund Hitler ( Brother), Puala Hitler (Sister)
d. Education- Had a Good Education in Grade school, but he later than droped out of High School
e. Occupation- Dictator

4. Two-Three Quotes (either about the person of from the person)
1. Any Alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless
2.Anyone who sees and paints the sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized
3. Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all

5. Significant contributions to World History
significant contributions to world history was the killing of Millions of Jewish people. which was called the Halocast. Also the beating and the consintration camps that kids used and adults used to be put in.

6. Two- Three Pictures of the person

7. Ten Terms Related to the Person

1. Horrible

2. Evil

3. Cruel

4. Heartless







8. Timeline

1. 1914- Adolf serves in the World War 1


3.1929- Meets his Mistress Eva Braun

4.1932-Granted German Citizenship

5.1933- Becomes German Chancellor of the Nazi Party

9.A symbol that represents the person
This Is a picture that discribes Hitler becuase he was part of a party called the Nazi

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Entry # 15 - Capturing Attention Project - Design 2

I wasnt able to attach the Invitation as a photo bacause my computer wouldnt let me....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Entry # 12- Interview

The 10 interview questions that we would be asking at the interview are....................

1)What is this event about?

2)Is there any type of format you would like in the lnvitation?

3)Do you want the invitation to have any specific colors?

4)What time will this event take place?

5)Do you want a certain Font and size in the invitation?

6) Will There be food for the guests?

7) How many people can attened?

8) Are there only certain students that are going?If so how many?

9) Is this only a one time event? If not how often?

10)Who are the other people responsible for organizing this event?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Entry # 10- Capturing Attention Project-Possible Interview Questions

1) What type of event is this?
2) Is this only for certain Juniors and Senors?
3) Who is the main Person orginizing this event?
4) Is the this information about college?
5) Is this a program?

Blog # 9 capturing Attention Project- guiding questions

The areas of interation that i highlighted by your teacher was Approaches to learning , which was Study hibits , communication, information, reflection, connecting ideas. and human ingenuity which means desktop publishing, Invitation, Design, Marking & Advertising.

Entry # 8 - Capturing Attention Project- Guiding Question

Write 2-3 guiding questions that might help you with your research.

1. What are some ideas reagarding the color of the invitation that intreg people to come to the place where you want to invite them?

2. What is a good format for the invitation?

3. What is a good font for the invitation?

Entry Blog # 7

Explain in Your own words the design task that you have been asked to solve?

We have been ask to solve the task of creating an envitation reagarding what we were assigned to , in my case i was assigned Junor/Senor Parent Information Nights. We have to one other partner, and my invitation can become the offcial invitation used for the high school event.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Entry # 4 - Success Project- Area of Interation

The area of interation that we have been highlighted to was being a "Communicator", It might be interpreted to help you understand what a communicator is and what how a communicator interacts with other people , and how you should act to be called a communicator.

Entry # 3- success Project- Guiding Questions

The three guiding questions i would use is....
1) why are communicators so important to our community?
2) what is a communicator in your eyes?
3) Can a communicator be someone that only speaks one language?

Entry # 2 - Success project- Design Task

The design task that we were asked to solve was the IB area of interaction called communication, communication has to do with the way that you associate with other people. Some people could also be communicators because they speak more than one language for example that lanuage can be spanish or something like french, a communicator talks to everyone and is a very helpful person in our community.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How has your actions contributed to your world?

My actions have contributed to the world because i conduct my self in a mannerly way and my actions do not prohibit any student from learning. I don't litter and that's one way to start helping the world become a better place.