Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blog Entry # 4.4- Design Brief

Im am going to design and make a poster , about the philippines, this poster will include the diffrent sites of tourism and diffrent monuments that the country has to offer. Its also going to include the currentcy, and diffrent areas of interation within this country. The size of this poster is going to be a width of 17.5 inches, and a height of 11.5 inches.

To design this project i am going to use Adobe Photoshop and illustrator. This poster will be distrubuted, or posted up , so that everyone can see and be interested in comming to this country. Also this will help the country get promoted and gain more money to help the people from this country, so its for a great cause. Tourism plays a big part in a countrys economy, but it also lets people see the variety of diffrent cultures and customes a country has to offer.

Blog Entry # 4.3- Design Task

The design task that i have been asked to solve is to work individually and to design a poster, so that people can see the diffrent sites and tourism that the country has to offer, so that the people in diffrent countries, want to travel that certain country, and for me thats the "philippines".

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blog Entry # 4.2 - Image reserch Research

2. Maps
3. Current Leader

4. Monuments
5. Currency

Blog Entry # 4.1- Country Research

1. Name of Country: Philippines

2. Web Addresses of all Sources (copy and paste)


3. Basic Facts
a. Capital City:Manila
b. Population:1,654,761
c. Monetary Unit/Currency: Peso (p)= 100
d. Official Language(s): Tagalog

4. Current Leader
Name: President Gloria MACAPAGAL-ARROYO

5. Photo of Flag:

6. Map of Country: