Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Entry # 15 - Capturing Attention Project - Design 2

I wasnt able to attach the Invitation as a photo bacause my computer wouldnt let me....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Entry # 12- Interview

The 10 interview questions that we would be asking at the interview are....................

1)What is this event about?

2)Is there any type of format you would like in the lnvitation?

3)Do you want the invitation to have any specific colors?

4)What time will this event take place?

5)Do you want a certain Font and size in the invitation?

6) Will There be food for the guests?

7) How many people can attened?

8) Are there only certain students that are going?If so how many?

9) Is this only a one time event? If not how often?

10)Who are the other people responsible for organizing this event?