Thursday, October 22, 2009

Entry # 10- Capturing Attention Project-Possible Interview Questions

1) What type of event is this?
2) Is this only for certain Juniors and Senors?
3) Who is the main Person orginizing this event?
4) Is the this information about college?
5) Is this a program?

Blog # 9 capturing Attention Project- guiding questions

The areas of interation that i highlighted by your teacher was Approaches to learning , which was Study hibits , communication, information, reflection, connecting ideas. and human ingenuity which means desktop publishing, Invitation, Design, Marking & Advertising.

Entry # 8 - Capturing Attention Project- Guiding Question

Write 2-3 guiding questions that might help you with your research.

1. What are some ideas reagarding the color of the invitation that intreg people to come to the place where you want to invite them?

2. What is a good format for the invitation?

3. What is a good font for the invitation?

Entry Blog # 7

Explain in Your own words the design task that you have been asked to solve?

We have been ask to solve the task of creating an envitation reagarding what we were assigned to , in my case i was assigned Junor/Senor Parent Information Nights. We have to one other partner, and my invitation can become the offcial invitation used for the high school event.