Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Entry # 4 - Success Project- Area of Interation

The area of interation that we have been highlighted to was being a "Communicator", It might be interpreted to help you understand what a communicator is and what how a communicator interacts with other people , and how you should act to be called a communicator.

Entry # 3- success Project- Guiding Questions

The three guiding questions i would use is....
1) why are communicators so important to our community?
2) what is a communicator in your eyes?
3) Can a communicator be someone that only speaks one language?

Entry # 2 - Success project- Design Task

The design task that we were asked to solve was the IB area of interaction called communication, communication has to do with the way that you associate with other people. Some people could also be communicators because they speak more than one language for example that lanuage can be spanish or something like french, a communicator talks to everyone and is a very helpful person in our community.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How has your actions contributed to your world?

My actions have contributed to the world because i conduct my self in a mannerly way and my actions do not prohibit any student from learning. I don't litter and that's one way to start helping the world become a better place.